


2020-01-26T16:23:21+00:00July 11th, 2015|

Sigh-chiatrist painting for psychiatrists.  This fun take on psychiatry is sure to raise a smile. "Sigh-chiatrist" for ewe.

Fast Company magazine comes to SA (for ewe)!

2019-07-01T14:46:30+00:00November 12th, 2014|

Ann Gadd is a South African artist who "creates art with a smile". Since her first sheep/ewe painting in 2001, the art has flocked off from South Africa across the globe and has featured in numerous art exhibitions. Fast Company Magazine has just launched in South Africa since its start in the USA.

Ann Gadd Workshop Sat.18 October 2014

2019-07-01T14:46:11+00:00September 29th, 2014|

Ever wanted to understand more about yourself? Want to understand why your partner behaves as he/she does? See what motivates your children’s behavior. Want to understand your staff? This one day workshop aims to let you become aware of the nine major Enneagram personality types, their fears, their motivations, how they see the world etc. [...]


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